Hi, I’m Priya, and welcome to my website!

Thank you so much for stopping by my little space on the World Wide Web!

Here you will find easy-to-follow, nutritious, and wildly flavorful vegetarian (egg-free) and vegan recipes for all occasions, informative articles, and practical tips to support your journey toward a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.


In addition to sharing recipes and cooking tips, I aim to inspire people to become more conscious consumers, living with less stuff and more compassion.

Not sure where to start? Check out my post 15 Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle.

I believe that eating sustainably goes beyond personal health benefits. By choosing plant-based options and supporting ethical and eco-friendly food practices, we contribute to a more sustainable food system that is kind to animals, respects the environment, and supports local communities.

Let’s embark on a journey toward a greener, more sustainable future together.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

 ~  Robert Swan, Polar Explorer and Environmental Leader

Thank you for visiting Relish the Greens!